Alain + Matt

I was so excited for this wedding, it was my first big wedding since having my son and even though leaving him was tough, I had the most fun day. I found out that this beautiful bride shares the same day job as me, a teacher as well! It is always so fun to see couples that are fun, able to laugh together, those that have been together a long time and can share their inside jokes, special looks and memories on their special day.

I do have a few special shout outs to share too:

Special Shout-out 1: Their father daughter dance which had me (and the bar staff) all in tears, the song is seriously the most emotional and special song for this dance. I'll be sharing here but don't come for me when you end up crying! Scroll beyond the photos to see the song!

Special Shout-out 2: They had the coolest kid area I've ever seen at a wedding! Alain and Mathews son and another young boy got the coolest wedding hangout, instead of sitting at a table all to themselves, they decked out underneath their table, filled with rugs, lights, games, colouring items and more, they looked like they had the time of their lives, a 10/10 idea for me!

Father Daughter Dance Song